Come on in and sit a while

Have you ever noticed just how rushed we all are? We just don't take time to sit, read, think and digest our day. Well this is my way of doing just that.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The lowest of lows :'(

No I' m not talking about me but someone close to me who has hit rock bottom. No where else to go but up. Oh but how it hurts, what regret & sorrow for mistakes made, things left undone or unsaid. A life which had such promise but now at 40 is a mess! He is not the only one to blame but if you allow others to control your life then you invite disaster! You cannot be who you are not even for someone you love because in the end keeping up the pretence is exhausting and substance abuse follows dragging you down even further. The person who you were pretending for then deserts you and you are left alone and friendless. So called christian friends find you embarrassing so they stop calling and you are in the pit of despair. BUT GOD! Oh those beautiful two words, that bring hope and comfort. God doesn't put conditions on His help, we just need to ask! Swallow our pride or what's left of it and cry out to God. psalm 109 v21-28 is David's lament & should be ours too. Dear friends if you are reading this then I pray that when someone around you hits rock bottom, don't run, be Jesus to that person, I'm not talking about enabling bad behaviour but I am saying be Christ to them. Love unconditionally with care & compassion. Encourage even when it seems hopeless, you may be the one thing that draws them back to God. It is all too easy to have a They've made their bed so let them lie in it attitude but do you really think that is what Christ would do? Be strong for them, be their eyes when all they can see is despair, gently remind them to look up for then they can see God. For there by the grace of God go you or I. Nobody is perfect or without sin. Sin is sin no matter what it is!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sleep, sleep, sleep

Now I know women of a certain age seem to blame everything on menopause but I really think that it is the cause of my sleeplessness. I am waking up boiling hot and then not being able to get back to sleep. Even getting to sleep when I'm dead tired is impossible lately. I go to bed and lie there for about 30 minutes at which stage I get up and do something until I'm so tired I can't see properly and only then can I seem to drift off into dream land. Does anyone have any suggestions. I've tried herbal remedies, hot milk, earlier bed times, later bed times, a hot shower before going to bed, reading in bed, not reading in bed and nothing seems to work. Am I going cuckoo or is menopause really to blame? Tell me what you think people as I'm beginning to see stars during the day as I'm so tired when I have to wake up! Help (^o^)