Profound stillness, peace that passes all understanding, calm in the midst of a storm, these are the times that the still small voice of God resonates within. It doesn't need to be quiet around us as it is rare that at the time we need this peace that our lives are calm but we do need to make the choice to shut our eyes and take a moment to dwell in peace.
Just as a child who has spent the day madly running around suddenly feels the urge to climb up in your lap and rest a while, so too we need to find God's lap and drink in of his reassurance and peace.
In a time when I should be able to rest I am faced with seemingly almost no spare time. Even though I am on 'holidays' unfinished work beckons, much neglected house work that cannot wait another term and unfinished projects I've been promising myself I would finish all confront my so called 'holiday'. Nevertheless this morning I choose to make time to sit a spell and just be. It will still be there once I am at rest, the time out will not consume my day but it will make the day ahead bearable, more manageable and less frenetic.
Peace is not found in navel gazing or an enforced sense of order but in the choice to view my world through God's eyes; seeing myself, my roles in life as He sees it. Knowing I am more than what I do! First and foremost I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend; my role as a teacher needs to submit to these rather than the other way round. Only then will I find true peace.
God's way is not meant to complicate our lives with ritual but bring order out of chaos, peace out of turmoil, satisfaction out of frustration. In the past ignoring what I needed to do in order to try to relax during my time off has resulted in a restless, forced peace which is not peace at all.
Today I will determine to allow God's peace to consume me, infiltrate my being and bring that stillness from the 'Prince of Peace' that I so badly need. I've thrown away my schedule but kept my list, ticking off as I go along the things I have to do, however on that list are peaceful pursuits, pleasant activities, exercise and 'retail therapy' and not only the 'tasks' that need doing.