Just when you think can't get anymore amazing, bam, I'm going to be a nanna again. I am overjoyed to think that the blessings we have with Jonathan are going to double with another bundle of joy.
Feelings of love for my beautiful family overwhelm me at times. Just lately have been wondering about my sister. Where is she? Is she o.k? Does she have any grandchildren? Have thought about trying to find her with a P.I. but what if she doesn't want to have contact, or what if me making contact makes her life difficult or even dangerous. Not knowing i excruciating so I'm going to leave it in God's lap and if/when He tells me to go ahead I will but not before.
I am feeling more settled about life, wanting vision but not demanding it!
Working out my relationship with God and how to be real, honest and genuine is my latest concern. I don't want to be formatted or be in a box. Just myself. Can I do this? Be totally honest with myself and God. Not sure, but hey here goes.
Come on in and sit a while
Have you ever noticed just how rushed we all are? We just don't take time to sit, read, think and digest our day. Well this is my way of doing just that.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Debbie and I haven't done this for a year at least and it was so nice to be able to have the time. We need to make time to do this more than once a year. There are just too many excuses we could make which would all make sense but in the end none of them is good enough to warrant not spending quality time together. Girls just need girl time and I know I put this off as not necessary or too expensive but hey I don't go shopping very often at all. So I'm going to suggest a shopping/coffee date once every 2 months, put it in the calendar, lock it in and make it happen!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Just kept on going!
Just watched the 2nd origin game of the season and couldn't help but notice how those Queenslanders just kept on pushing even though they were winning. They just never gave up, even when they could have slackened off they didn't. Enthusiasm all the way. Backing each other up, being there for their team mates, anticipating each other's moves it was just awesome. It got me thinking if we as Gods church did the same thing, just kept on pushing even when we think we are winning, never slacking off, backing each other up, being there for each other and knowing each other well enough to anticipate each other's moves wouldn't that be awesome.
It's easy to see why they have won 5 series in a row, they are a TEAM and there is no I in team!
It's easy to see why they have won 5 series in a row, they are a TEAM and there is no I in team!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What a day!
Friday not feeling great so took the day off to catch up on some sleep and maybe get a head start on some marking. Good idea hey! Wrong!!!! Stephen had a car accident I was woken up with the phone call, went straight out to the crash site, in my pj's, spent 90 minutes by the side of the road. Came home got changed into some clothes, went to emergency, waited 2 hours and finally got home around 2 o'clock by which time the arthritis in my neck was killing me so I had to have a lie down with some pain killers. Amount of marking done 'zero'. Amount of actual sleep 'zero'. Next time remind me not to take a day off. Please!!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
It doesn't take much of late to make me feel exhausted. Just thinking about marking all those essays and assessments is making me yaaawwn! Making sure I get plenty of sleep, down time and keep up to date with things sometimes means taking time out of my busy schedule. It's too late once you've crashed and burned so take a leaf out of my book and be kind to yourself.
I am so proud of my grandson, got up on his feet this morning and then sat up by himself this afternoon. He is only 6.5 months and soooo active. Look out Alyce and Ben this one is not going to wait for training wheels.
I miss him already. Maybe I need a quick flight to Adelaide on the holidays??? mmm now that's got me thinking!!
I am so proud of my grandson, got up on his feet this morning and then sat up by himself this afternoon. He is only 6.5 months and soooo active. Look out Alyce and Ben this one is not going to wait for training wheels.
I miss him already. Maybe I need a quick flight to Adelaide on the holidays??? mmm now that's got me thinking!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
When your body is complaining with every move you make
And your legs feel like buckling with every step you take
Then the only thing to do is turn your eyes to God
When you're tired and your sore
And your body says enough I need to sleep some more
Then the only thing you can do is to cry out to God
When you're whingy and you're cranky and nothing's going right
And you're tossing and you're turning and are awake half the night
Then your one and only option is to turn your face to God
Father please help me, I've so much I need to do
And I know the only one to call upon is YOU!
Thankyou Jesus xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And your legs feel like buckling with every step you take
Then the only thing to do is turn your eyes to God
When you're tired and your sore
And your body says enough I need to sleep some more
Then the only thing you can do is to cry out to God
When you're whingy and you're cranky and nothing's going right
And you're tossing and you're turning and are awake half the night
Then your one and only option is to turn your face to God
Father please help me, I've so much I need to do
And I know the only one to call upon is YOU!
Thankyou Jesus xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Monday, May 31, 2010
We're just like kids sometimes
Reading facebook tonight I saw Alyce's comment about Jonathan wanting to play with the electric cords. No matter how many times she says 'NO' he keeps going back to them. Isn't that just like us, sometimes no matter how many times we tell ourselves we won't do something because it's not Christlike, we do it again and then regret it. Really need to find some discipline in reacting to students taunting. I am getting better buy boy some of them just get me to bite every time. Please God I need some help!!!!
Hopefully Alyce will have more success with Jonathan.
Hopefully Alyce will have more success with Jonathan.
Back home at last
Well it's good to be home. After my whirlwind trip to Brisbane and the Sunny Coast, I feel both refreshed and tired but definitely on a high. I was able to visit with Jethro and Anna for 2 days and had a great time, sitting drinking chocolate and chai by an open fire, both at home and at an amazing venue. I helped Anna with a uni assignment which made me feel good.
The conference was just what I needed, plenty of wonderful spiritual imput, amazing worship and a lot of practical elements as well. The theme was 'In His Presence' and it gave us a lot of food for thought. Spending time with the 'girls' from Generations was also great, getting to know them better and sharing experiences with them.
Visiting 'Citipointe' was also a great experience - wow it's huge but so well set out. I loved the smaller 5pm service and the message was so down to earth and practical "developing a generous lifestyle' I have lots of great inspiration.
So all in all a wonderful time and a great moral boost for the next few weeks which are going to be flat out doing report cards at school.
Thanks God for a wonderful trip. Can't wait to put things I learned into practice.
The conference was just what I needed, plenty of wonderful spiritual imput, amazing worship and a lot of practical elements as well. The theme was 'In His Presence' and it gave us a lot of food for thought. Spending time with the 'girls' from Generations was also great, getting to know them better and sharing experiences with them.
Visiting 'Citipointe' was also a great experience - wow it's huge but so well set out. I loved the smaller 5pm service and the message was so down to earth and practical "developing a generous lifestyle' I have lots of great inspiration.
So all in all a wonderful time and a great moral boost for the next few weeks which are going to be flat out doing report cards at school.
Thanks God for a wonderful trip. Can't wait to put things I learned into practice.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hoorah for today
Another day to serve God, another day to do His will, another day to start again. What would we do without our new days? Feeling excited about this afternoons flight to Brisbane. Can't wait until I see Jethro and Anna again, haven't seen them since Christmas (almost 5 months). It has been so long. Just the actual physical touch of a hug will add to my feeling of well being. I'm sure God made hugs to make us feel like we are being embraced by Him. Touch is so healing in so many ways. Whether it's a friends hug, a long hard embrace from someone you haven't seen for ages or a hug from your spouse you so needed after a bad day. I never feel quite like I'm home until I get a hug from Stephen, which I must admit he so freely gives. So on with today, not sure when my next blog will be as not sure of net access. Remember 'It's a Wonderful Life with God'
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
All things come to those who wait!
Finally my time has come. I am off to Brisbane/Budderim tomorrow and I can't wait. Work is just so tedious at the moment. Students tired, Teachers tired, Parents tired. I know what I need a break! Oh, I almost forgot I've got one starting at 3.00pm tomorrow. Flying out at 4.40pm arriving Brisbane at 6.45pm Virgin Blue DJ786. Spending the night with Jethro and Anna then driving up to Budderim for the One Voice Conference.
I need some renewal, I'm feeling stale, dry and in a rut. I pray I am open enough for God to zap me while I'm away. Sometimes just a change of environment, different people and teaching can allow God to minister to you with His Holy Spirit. I need to make sure I am open to whatever He has for me. I'm 48 in November and I want to have made some radical changes in my life before I hit 50!! No more wasted time, no more delays, forget the illness, forget the past, I am a new creation and I want to feel like one again.
I need some renewal, I'm feeling stale, dry and in a rut. I pray I am open enough for God to zap me while I'm away. Sometimes just a change of environment, different people and teaching can allow God to minister to you with His Holy Spirit. I need to make sure I am open to whatever He has for me. I'm 48 in November and I want to have made some radical changes in my life before I hit 50!! No more wasted time, no more delays, forget the illness, forget the past, I am a new creation and I want to feel like one again.
Monday, May 24, 2010
An amazing God
How wonderful is our God, not only does he create a new day every morning but we can be free of yesterday, its woes, its sins and inadequacies. Today is a new day - A new day to demonstrate your love comfort, care, encourage and bring the truth to those around me.
Yesterday was full of sadness when my daughter in law and grandson left. I know I will probably not see them for at least six months, I should be sad, BUT GOD, those beautiful two words.
A new week, a new time in my life, a stage in which to begin again, rather than look to the past, what might have been or what I am missing out on. If I allow God to have control then all before me is opportunity and He will take care of the rest.
Yesterday was full of sadness when my daughter in law and grandson left. I know I will probably not see them for at least six months, I should be sad, BUT GOD, those beautiful two words.
A new week, a new time in my life, a stage in which to begin again, rather than look to the past, what might have been or what I am missing out on. If I allow God to have control then all before me is opportunity and He will take care of the rest.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Poor poor me!!
It is so easy to feel sorry for yourself and forget all the things that are blessings. We focus on the hard to palette sour situations and forget those that are sweet and delicious.
For me at the moment it is so easy to concentrate on the separation from those I love. To dwell on what I don't have and forget what I do. It is true that there are many things I would change to suit myself but deep down I know that it would not be the right thing either for myself or those involved.
Ben, Alyce and Jonathan being so far away is painful but I know that as a man Ben needs to make his family on his own and that Alyce (being a woman) needs her mother more than Ben needs me. "Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife" and the two become one. Genesis 2:23-25
I must admit I miss having family just dropping around, family get togethers, going out for a coffee and celebrating events as a family, somehow it makes me feel not quite whole.
God has different plans than our own and if we truly trust him we know "that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose".Romans 8:27-29 This is where the rubber meets the road, do we truly believe that God has our best interests at heart, do we embrace His purposes for our life or not?
Easy to say, harder to do, other than stand firm in what we know, God has never let us down, he is always faithful.
So with conviction and faith I say "I accept what I cannot change and ask that God uses those situations to His glory".
For me at the moment it is so easy to concentrate on the separation from those I love. To dwell on what I don't have and forget what I do. It is true that there are many things I would change to suit myself but deep down I know that it would not be the right thing either for myself or those involved.
Ben, Alyce and Jonathan being so far away is painful but I know that as a man Ben needs to make his family on his own and that Alyce (being a woman) needs her mother more than Ben needs me. "Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife" and the two become one. Genesis 2:23-25
I must admit I miss having family just dropping around, family get togethers, going out for a coffee and celebrating events as a family, somehow it makes me feel not quite whole.
God has different plans than our own and if we truly trust him we know "that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose".Romans 8:27-29 This is where the rubber meets the road, do we truly believe that God has our best interests at heart, do we embrace His purposes for our life or not?
Easy to say, harder to do, other than stand firm in what we know, God has never let us down, he is always faithful.
So with conviction and faith I say "I accept what I cannot change and ask that God uses those situations to His glory".
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Separation is painful
I know that sometimes separation is good, it makes you grateful for the time you do spend together, it makes you rely upon God instead of pleasurable emotions. However the separation from Alyce, Ben and Jonathan is just down right painful. I am blessed to have them as my children but it is so hard to let them go. I want Jonathan to know that we do love him and care about him, I want a relationship with my grandson that I suppose is never going to be the way I want it and that hurts.
Thank God that I can rely upon him to fill that hole inside of me created by the distance between them and us. Without Him it really would be unbearable. With God all things are possible and I have to believe that! Faith is not faith without times that require faith and only faith to get you through. God only wants good for His children, so I give it to him and do the most powerful thing I can do, PRAY.
Thank God that I can rely upon him to fill that hole inside of me created by the distance between them and us. Without Him it really would be unbearable. With God all things are possible and I have to believe that! Faith is not faith without times that require faith and only faith to get you through. God only wants good for His children, so I give it to him and do the most powerful thing I can do, PRAY.
Friday, May 21, 2010
We are all his children
Looking at my grandson today and his reactions to the things around him, I am reminded of my relationship with God. Jonathan knows when he is stretching the boundaries and will not look you in the eye but glance at you to see if you have noticed his intent.
Not unlike ourselves when we try to justify our behaviour but won't look God in the eye because deep down we know we are wrong. We may be sorry later but we had the chance to stop and didn't.
There are no excuses we have the strength and righteousness of Jesus Christ and if we would turn to Him first we could eliminate the need to repent because we wouldn't have sinned against God in the first place.
So often now I see my behaviour, reactions, responses through God's eyes and I am disappointed with myself as I know He would be.
God's son payed the ultimate penalty so we wouldn't be bound by sin, so when we do so easily it is making light of His sacrifice.
God help me to focus on you and not myself, for if my eyes are on you then I know the best course of action and limit my ability to circumnavigate your standards.
I am not the centre of my life, you are, help me to remember that.
Not unlike ourselves when we try to justify our behaviour but won't look God in the eye because deep down we know we are wrong. We may be sorry later but we had the chance to stop and didn't.
There are no excuses we have the strength and righteousness of Jesus Christ and if we would turn to Him first we could eliminate the need to repent because we wouldn't have sinned against God in the first place.
So often now I see my behaviour, reactions, responses through God's eyes and I am disappointed with myself as I know He would be.
God's son payed the ultimate penalty so we wouldn't be bound by sin, so when we do so easily it is making light of His sacrifice.
God help me to focus on you and not myself, for if my eyes are on you then I know the best course of action and limit my ability to circumnavigate your standards.
I am not the centre of my life, you are, help me to remember that.
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