Getting older means becoming more comfortable with youself, realizing that you are who you are about some things and if they aren't harmful to anyone then don't sweat the small stuff. For example:
- I'm a sucker for colour, can't help it even when I think I want to be subdued I can't resist the item that is the most colourful, the most rich in hue.
- I cry all the time, not just because I'm sad but because I feel things deeply, probably too deeply but that is just me.
- I talk too much, I'm better than I used to be, but let's face it I still talk too much, that is the way I deal with things talking them out, doesn't suit everyone and drives others crazy but there you have it can't help it.
- I like comfort, I love clothes, fashion, style but if it isn't comfortable I won't wear it anymore because it's not worth the pain, therefore I will never truly be chic but hey thats me.
- I have a thing for shoes, there I've said it, inherited it from my grandmother, I just can't go past a shoe store without looking. Not as bad as I used to be at one count when I was younger I had 42 pairs of shoes, now its about 12.
- Notebooks are a weakness, I just love a notebook with a pretty cover or one that has fine paper or special catches, too many notebooks in our house.
- I'm nosey I like to know what's going on, not to an extreme but if I'm out of the loop I feel a little left out, silly I know but then that's me.
- I procrastinate, all the time, about most things. I think it's the fact that because of the bipolar if I'm in the right place, the right zone then things are easy and if I'm not they are difficult so I wait until I'm in the zone and sometimes that means things are done at the last minute. I am getting a little better, especially with work but none the less I know I procrastinate.
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