- spend more time with family (goodness knows how since they are so far away)
- seeking God more often and with greater staying power, really studying the word maybe through a Bible College Masters programme
- Doing a Masters in Family Counselling is also on the horizon, I'm just not sure when but soon I hopecoming to some common ground with my husband over what we want to do and where we want to do it for the next 20 years
- discovering the talents I know I have but have never explored (whether craft, writing, dreaming, activating my passions or just living life the way I always dreamed I would
- making some decisions on how I'm going to put those plans into action
That is not to say I am unhappy, restless or 'trying to find myself'. I don't have a 'bucket list' nor do I crave one off experiences. I'd like to do some travelling but have no ideal place I've dreamed of for years. I have no desire to live out of a suitcase for 6 months. A new house would be nice, one with character, a small but usable garden area and outside undercover area (maybe even a pool). I don't want anything bigger in fact something smaller but with usable versatile space would be great. But all of these fade in comparison for what I want for Stephen and I as we grow old together gracefully. I want purpose, the kind of unhurried satisfaction of doing God's will His way and not mine. To be a natural evangelist whose career encompasses caring for people. I don't want wads of cash, in fact I find I'm more creative and satisfied when I have to use my creative skills rather than just buy what I want when I want it. I'd like to be able to look after my mum and dad in their old age even when it seems unlikely as we are definitely not moving to Adelaide and I doubt Dad would agree to move up here. Building my relationship with my brother and his children, finding my sister even if it is to let her know I've not forgotten her (I'm not naive enough to think I will necessarily be welcome).
To make some new friends to fill my need to give and receive, someone who will be honest with me, a true friend who doesn't beat around the bush but understands my motives. A career I love, that I can pour myself into but leave at work. Pipe dreams some may say, but nobody did anything without dreaming and working towards it. I never thought in my wildest dreams until into my late 40's that I would be teaching High School. When I was first married I could never have imagined doing 2 degrees, working as an ESL/EFL teacher at Griffith University or visiting Japan teaching english twice. My life has taken many turns, some great and exciting, some painful and a hard slog but they are all a part of me and make up the sum of my being. God has never been hidden although at times I didn't even bother to look for Him. It is I who have stretched the elastic so far I lost sight of who I am and who I belong to.
So I put this down as a testament to my thought patterns, desires, interests I'd like to pursue and necessary changes I need to make.You'll notice I haven't mentioned weight or diet or exercise or diabetes or bipolar or psoriatic arthritis or a dodgy immune system. They are being healed slowly cell by cell and are in God's control, I do what I need to but I'm not going to spend precious time fretting over things that ultimately I cannot change other than slow purposeful actions.
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