I just read a blog by a lovely young woman I really admire. She is a woman of few words, but those words penetrate through all the froth and bubble and hit your heart with a thud. I love her talent for saying what she means and leaving it at that. Shawna you're a star!
I'm not going to say "I wish I could do that" as I'm not doing the 'I wish I had someone elses talent whinge' but I do love things that are refreshingly elegant. Elegance is 'just enough for a large impact' like a simple but elegant dress which packs a punch by being cut well rather than having lots of accessories or frills.
I have to say I'm not like that, either in my writing, dressing, home or anything else for that matter. I used to try to be, always looking for ways to be seen as elegant, then one day I realised I was despising what God had given me.
As I've said in previous blogs, I love colour, texture, the wild and unusual. I love to find the different, out of the box, crazy things so being elegant is just never going to happen.
But I can admire and enjoy elegance, in whatever form it takes.
Accepting yourself the way you are, in regards to your personality and style is a huge achievement, one I am embracing more and more as I grow older. I've come to realise that often the people I admire (not you Shawna), want to be someone else and so we all spend far too much time thinking 'if only'.
My advice to everyone and anyone is take a good look at yourself, find your hidden talents, idiosyncrasies, your style and embrace them. It makes life so much easier and far less burdensome. Stop judging yourself by other peoples standards, God is the only standard and He is a much less harsher task master than we often think He is. If you are honestly giving Him your heart and living your life in relationship with Him, if He is challenging you (notice I don't say berating or condemning as only satan does that) and you are listening then stop fretting.
Learning to like yourself is probably the hardest thing you will ever do but it brings such release it is worth it.
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