The 11th of September will always be a day of rememberance. If you were able to compehend the events as they unfolded, the horror as the realisation of what had just happened sank in it is a memory I'd rather forget. Not only a day when we lost our sense of security but a day that marked a change in how the majority of the world views others. I'd like to say that the empathy and concern of others won the day, but sadly hate and bitterness came along for the ride.
A young man with so much potential that I had been at University with in 1994/5 was one of the casualties of that day. Working at a dream job, achieving his goals, on the way to a bright future in politics. A man who I had many discussions with, studied with and who struck me as a man who wanted a better life for others. Andrew Knox you are not forgotten.
As I watched his twin brother read out Andrews and others names at the memorial I had to stop and think what his life would have been like; where he would be now if that terrible day did not happen?
The students in my grade 7 & 8 classes today were confused about 9/11 meant, some knew the mechanics of what happened but none had a grasp on how it changed the world nor should they. They were 2 or 3 years old at the time and had no idea of what really was behind the events or why or how things have changed since.
So how does it affect me in my life here in 'Paradise':
- It means I have to go through more thorough security checks and can't carry things I might like onto an aeroplane (not a particularly difficult problem, more of an inconvenience).
- The world media and politics is more cynical and sees threats everywhere which makes people feel unsafe and on edge (not good).
- People have very opinionated views on Muslims they know little about (due to reckless and biased reporting of events and people & on the flip side we are politically incorrect if we talk about the Muslim population in Australia because people might think we are just biased due to 9/11).
- Children grow up with parents talking about 'terrorists' as if they are around every corner unnecessarily frightening them (a definite concern).
- Our sons, brothers, nephews are fighting and have been fighting for 10 years in a place a long way from home in a war I don't think they can win. (That is not to say I don't think we should be there, just that it is so complicated it is hard to know who's winning).
- Innocent people have been sacrificed in the name of doing something in the months after the attacks.
So where do we go from here? As a Christian I continue on, knowing that the world is changing just as predicted in the Bible. It is not a surprise that the world is at war with one another nor that fanatics (on both sides) mete out their own justice. I would hope that people see thing as they really are instead of blaming cultures or people, Satan is at the heart of terrorism, unrest, death and destruction, these are his tools and we are to stand firm not allowing him to consume us with fear, because the war has already been won.
We need to keep our defences up, fight the battles before us until the end of time but we don't need to become obssessed. I hope I never have to watch another 9/11 but knowing mankind I know that the chances are slim. Somewhere at sometime, someone will do the unthinkable only this time we will not be as shocked or vulnerable. Which if we think about it, reveals the real cost, 'our innocence'.
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